Washington Enacts Major Environmental Justice Laws

Washington Enacts Major Environmental Justice Laws

Washington State has just enacted a major environmental justice law, making it the latest in a growing chorus of states to do so. The new law is designed to address the fact that low-income and minority communities often bear the brunt of environmental pollution and...
The time is ripe for digital public commenting systems, or is it?

The time is ripe for digital public commenting systems, or is it?

There has never been a more critical time for digital inclusion than the present. The world is no longer just a global village. It has taken on new heels and transformed into a fast-paced global town. The economic and social benefits of massive digital inclusion cut...
How to get started with digital public comments? Tips to Follow.

How to get started with digital public comments? Tips to Follow.

In today’s digital age, more agencies are turning to online public comment systems to collect feedback from citizens on projects. There are many benefits to using this system, including increased transparency, accountability, and efficiency. This article will...